In class I created a motor out of copper wire, two paperclips, a battery, a magnet, and a rubber band. The copper wire was made into an oval shape with two wires sticking out each side and carried the current from the battery, the two paperclips completed the circuits and held up the copper wire over the magnet, the battery was the energy source, the magnet provided the magnetic field which made the motor move, and he rubber band held the paperclips to the battery.
In order for current to get through the copper wire, you had to scrape off some of the plastic coating that covers the wire, but you would only scrape off the coating on one side of the wire because otherwise the motor would not spin in a circular motion, it would spin only spin in half turns.
In the motor the current is moving in one direction through the copper wire. The magnetic field acts as a perpendicular force against the copper wire causing torque. If the force were not perpendicular, the wire would not move, however there would still be a force on the wire.
Here is a video of me with my motor working!
Margaret Anne's Motor
This motor could be used to make a fan, make car wheels, or even blades turn in a blender!
Awesome job!! I found it extremely difficult to suspend the copper wire on top of the magnet. I learned that if the copper wire is too far away from the magnet then i would not turn. I really like your description on how the motor works. It was clear and painted a visual. Your motor is also awesome. Great job!!!